Evans Law, PLC, the law office of Randal T. Evans, delivers practical legal solutions on matters involving enterprise design and organizational development.
We provide guidance on nonprofit formations, deciding between a nonprofit or for–profit structure and choice of entity, board governance, brand development, business and tax law, joint ventures and partnerships, fiscal sponsorships, transactions, and other related matters. Our “sweet spot” is helping clients design strategies that involve different types of organizations, including those that involve nonprofit and for–profit entities or combinations of different types of exempt organizations.
We have extensive experience working with nonprofit and tax–exempt organizations, foundations, associations, family enterprises, closely held businesses, tribally owned enterprises, and community–based initiatives.
By combining our deep understanding of the business side of legal issues with our extensive training and experience in other areas of organizational design and enterprise development, we are well–equipped to provide tailored advice and representation to help our clients achieve their desired outcomes.
At Evans Law, PLC, we are passionate about helping our clients succeed. With our extensive experience and multidisciplinary approach, we are confident in our ability to provide focused, effective, and practical solutions to meet our clients‘ unique legal needs.
Please contact us to schedule an initial introduction meeting. We look forward to hearing from you!